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Windows 10 build 17760 更新内容详情

作者:电脑软件 日期:2018-09-15



Fixed in Windows 10 build 17760

We fixed the issue causing apps that use .NET 4.7.1 to not work correctly in previous builds.

We fixed an issue resulting in rendering issues in certain types of PDFs in Microsoft Edge.

We fixed an issue that could cause a crash when using swipe to navigate back in Microsoft Edge.

We fixed an issue resulting in Microsoft Edge crashing after pressing F12 on certain webpages if certain extensions were enabled.

We fixed an issue resulting in the icons on Microsoft Edge error pages not being visible on localized builds.

We fixed an underflow in the Windows Security app that could result in the UI unexpectedly showing a very large number of threats had been found.



我们修复了导致使用.NET 4.7.1的应用程序在以前的版本中无法正常运行的问题。

我们修复了一个问题,导致Microsoft Edge中某些类型的PDF出现问题。

我们修复了在使用滑动导航回Microsoft Edge时可能导致崩溃的问题。

如果启用了某些扩展,我们修复了在某些网页上按F12后导致Microsoft Edge崩溃的问题。

我们修复了一个问题,导致Microsoft Edge错误页面上的图标在本地化版本上不可见。


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